
Seberapa pentingkah Knowledge Management bagi UKM saat ini ?

Secara umum, lemahnya daya saing merupakan faktor utama yang menyebabkan usaha kecil menengah (UKM) kita kurang berkembang di pasar global. Bila kita telaah lebih jauh, ternyata permasalahannya ada pada kurangnya pengetahuan (knowledge) yang dimiliki dari para pengusaha tersebut. Wajar saja, karena memang mayoritas pendidikan pengusaha kecil menengah di Indonesia masih rendah.

Padahal seperti telah diketahui, pengetahuan memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam kemajuan perusahaan. Semakin unggul pengetahuan suatu perusahaan dan sumber daya manusianya (SDM) maka akan semakin tinggi daya saing perusahaan di pasar global.

Contohnya adalah kesuksesan Microsoft dalam menjadi salah satu perusahan Information Technology (IT) terbesar di dunia. Sangat terbukti, bahwa Microsoft berhasil karena kekuatan pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh pendiri dan pegawai-pegawainya. Lihat saja, harga saham Microsoft yang dihargai tinggi oleh masyarakat bukan dihitung berdasarkan aset yg dimiliki microsoft, namun lebih karena Microsoft memiliki pegawai dengan pengetahuan yang di atas rata-rata perusahaan lain.

Namun, pertanyaannya sekarang adalah bagaimana cara yang efektif dan efesien dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan di sebuah perusahaan? Berapa banyak dana yang harus dikeluarkan untuk mengirim karyawan ke lembaga pelatihan, sekolah, atau seminar agar terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan? Lalu, bagaimana bila perusahaan anda memiliki karyawan yang lumayan banyak? Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan?

Inilah beberapa pertanyaan yang biasa diajukan para pengusaha maupun pemimpin perusahaan. Namun, mau tidak mau, proses peningkatan pengetahuan tetap harus dilakukan. Karena, salah satu kunci untuk memenangi kompetisi adalah kekuatan dari karyawan yang cerdas atau knowledge worker. Semakin cerdas dan pintar karyawan di perusahaan anda, maka akan semakin mudah pula perusahaan anda menghadapi perubahan dan memenangi kompetisi.

Salah satu solusi yang menarik saat ini adalah dengan menerapkan sebuah sistem yang mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan di internal perusahaan yang dinamakan sistem knowledge management.

Sederhananya, knowledge management merupakan sebuah sistem database berbasis web yang berguna dalam mengelola seluruh pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan dan pegawainya. Mengelola disini tidak sebatas menyimpan, namun juga menciptakan budaya pembelajaran di lingkungan karyawan melalui proses pertukaran pengetahuan. Sehingga, akan memudahkan karyawan dalam melakukan pembelajaran secara mandiri dan memudahkan dalam memberikan solusi bagi masalah-masalah yang dihadapinya maupun yang dihadapi pelanggan.

Dengan begitu, maka proses peningkatan knowledge seluruh karyawan tidak memakan biaya besar dan waktu yang lama. Dan secara perlahan tapi pasti, budaya pembelajaran akan semakin tumbuh di lingkungan perusahaan. Alhasil, perusahaan pun bisa percaya diri berkompetisi untuk menjadi yang terbaik.

Contoh baru-baru ini yang paling menarik adalah IBM. Pada akhir tahun 2000, pertumbuhan perusahaan yang terkenal dengan bisnis personal computer (PC) dan semikonduktor itu terus merugi. Namun, pada akhir tahun 2005, IBM mencatatkan pendapatan perusahaan yang luar biasa. Earning per share IBM menjadi 4,87 dollar US pada tahun 2005.

Lalu, apa kuncinya sehingga IBM berhasil kembali menjadi perusahaan yang sangat menguntungkan? Ternyata, salah satu yang dilakukan IBM adalah dengan membangun motivasi karyawan dan menciptakan kompetensi karyawannya melalui penerapan knowledge management. IBM percaya bahwa dengan peningkatan motivasi dan kompetensi karyawan yang signifikan, maka perusahaan akan bisa menciptakan produk dan solusi bagi pelanggannya.

Di Indonesia, setidaknya ada beberapa perusahaan yang telah menerapkan knowlegde management. Di antaranya adalah PLN, UTE Pandu engineering selaku anak perusahaan United Tractor, dan Wijaya Karya. Alasan yang dikemukakan perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut hampir sama, yakni untuk menciptakan budaya pembelajaran dan mempermudah penciptaan solusi, yang pada akhirnya mampu meningkatkan kapitalisasi perusahaan.

Nah, berkaca dari perusahaan-perusahaan besar yang sukses menerapkan knowledge management, timbul pertanyaan. Apakah usaha kecil menengah (UKM) perlu juga menerapkan sistem knowledge management? Seberapa pentingkah?

Jawabannya cukup sederhana, sangat penting. Kenapa? Seperti kita ketahui, salah satu penyebab UKM kurang memiliki daya saing yang tinggi adalah karena mayoritas pendirinya hanya berpendidikan SMP dan SMU. Sehingga, kemampuan bersaing di tingkat global menjadi terbatas. Untuk itu, peningkatan knowledge bagi UKM dan seluruh pegawainya menjadi suatu keharusan.

Atau bila menggunakan logika sederhana, bila perusahaan besar menerapkan knowledge management untuk pertumbuhan perusahaannya, tentunya UKM harus lebih serius lagi dalam menerapkan knowledge management. Sehingga UKM bisa melakukan lompatan lebih jauh agar bisa cepat menjadi perusahaan besar.

Dalam sistem knowledge management, setidaknya ada tiga proses yang harus dilakukan. Proses pertama adalah eksplorasi, yaitu melakukan pemetaan dalam organisasi mengenai knowledge yang dimiliki oleh setiap divisi, baik yang berhubungan dengan sumber daya manusia, produk, pasar, maupun pelanggan. Dengan begitu, maka akan mudah dilakukan proses pencarian dan pengumpulan seluruh pengetahuan yang dimiliki perusahaan maupun pengetahuan yang dikuasai oleh tiap pegawai.

Kedua, proses pembelajaran. Pada tahap ini dilakukan cara memanfaatkan pengetahuan tersebut secara maksimal. Bisa dengan pertukaran antar individu maupun secara perorangan. Atau, bisa dilakukan melalui forum interaktif untuk berbagi pengetahuan secara online. Pada tahap ini, akan tercipta budaya pembelajaran yang semakin lama semakin kuat. Kenapa? Karena pada dasarnya setiap orang haus akan informasi dan pengetahuan. Akibatnya, perusahaan pun akan semakin kaya akan orang-orang yang kuat pengetahuannya.

Ketiga, proses mencari dan menciptakan pengetahuan baru. Tahap ini akan terjadi bila telah terjadi budaya pembelajaran yang kuat dalam perusahaan. Dan juga, kumpulan knowledge yang sebelumnya dimiliki perusahaan dalam sistem knowledge management tidak lagi mencukupi. Sehingga, tiap orang dalam perusahaan akan berusaha untuk mencari dan menemukan pengetahuan yang baru. Alhasil, kumpulan pengetahuan dalam sistem knowlegde management menjadi terus berkembang yang pada akhrinya akan menjadi sumber pengetahuan perusahaan yang lengkap dan update atau terus diperbaharui.

Nah, bila perusahaan Anda masih tergolong UKM, maka penerapan knowledge management akan menjadi suatu tantangan menarik. Apalagi bila sudah banyak terbukti mampu menigkatkan daya saing perusahaan.

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Written by erich fernando usman in: Artikel KM |

Knowledge Management System Berbasis Kompetensi


Pada pertengahan tahun 1980-an, banyak individu dan organisasi mulai tertarik pada peran yang terus meningkat dari pengetahuan untuk dapat bertahan dalam lingkungan yang sangat kompetitif. Persaingan bebas dan internasional telah merubah dengan cepat bagi perusahaan untuk secara serius menekankan pada kualitas, tanggapan, keberagaman dan kustomisasi produk dan jasa. Dan dalam survey 1989, beberapa CEO perusahaan yang termasuk dalam Fortune 50 setuju bahwa pengetahuan merupakan faktor yang sangat fundamental yang berada dibalik keberhasilan perusahaan dan semua aktifitasnya. Mereka mempunyai anggapan bahwa kemampuan perusahaan untuk berkompetisi bergantung pada kualitas aset pengetahuan dan kemampuan pemanfaatannya dengan sempurna. Oleh karena itu banyak perusahaan-perusahaan besar dengan serius mencari cara untuk membangun dan mendapatkan nilai dari aset pengetahuan yang ada di dalam perusahaan mereka itu.

Knowledge Management (KM) merupakan langkah strategis bagi setiap perusahaan untuk mampu memanfaatkan aset pengetahuan. Dan artikel ini menjelaskan KM yang berbasiskan pada direktori kompetensi, sehingga setiap perusahaan akan lebih mampu memahami secara jelas terhadap pengetahuan yang diperlukan untuk mendukung satu kompetensi yang disyaratkan untuk satu pekerjaan tertentu di perusahaan/organisasi. Dan melalui artikel ini juga, perusahaan/organisasi akan memahami bahwa penerapan KM yang didukung sistem yang berbasiskan pada pendekatan direktori kompetensi akan sangat membantu penerapan KM secara sistematik.

Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management (KM) merupakan intervensi bersama-ssama dari sumber daya manusia, proses dan teknologi untuk mendukung proses pembuatan ( creation ), pembauran ( assimilation ), penyebaran ( dissemination ) dan pemanfaatan ( application ) pengetahuan di dalam lingkungan perusahaan / organisasi. Pembuatan pengetahuan (knowledge creation) adalah proses perbaikan pengetahuan tertentu selama proses pembelajaran. Pembauran pengetahuan (knowledge assimilation) adalah proses pengumpulan, penyimpanan dan penyaringan pengetahuan yang dibuat dengan pengetahuan yang sudah dipunyai sebelumnya. Penyebaran pengetahuan (knowledge dissemination) adalah proses akses dan distribusi pengetahuan untuk dipergunakan dalam pekerjaan yang lainnya. Pemanfaatan pengetahuan (knowledge application) adalah penggunaan pengetahuan yang ada untuk mendukung penyelesaian masalah-masalah yang dihadapinya. Pengetahuan dibangun atau dikembangkan melalui proses pengalaman dimana pengetahuan tersebut dipergunakan, seperti proses penyelesaian masalah, projek atau pekerjaan.

Di bawah ini terdapat beberapa pertanyaan dimana penerapan Knowledge Management (KM) seharusnya dapat memberikan jawaban:

• Pengetahuan/keahlian apa yang diperlukan oleh setiap pekerja untuk melaksanakan tugas-tugasnya?

• Apakah pengetahuan terdokumentasikan dan dapat disebarkan?

• Pengetahuan/keahlian apa yang dipunyai para pekerja pada saat ini?

• Bagaimana pengetahuan itu diukur?

• Pengetahuan apa yang vital bagi proses bisnis perusahaan/organisasi?

• Pengetahuan/keahlian apa yang diperlukan oleh para pekerja untuk masa depan?

• Bagaimana membangun keahlian/pengetahuan yang diperlukan organisasi secara efisien?

• Pelatihan apa yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan keahlian/pengetahuan?

• Bagaimana mempersingkat proses pembelajaran dan menghemat biaya-biaya akuisisi keahlian?

• Bagaimana pengetahuan para pekerja dapat disebarluaskan dengan efektif?

Untuk dapat menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut dengan baik, maka seharusnya dikembangkan satu pendekatan yang sistematik untuk penerapan Knowledge Management, dan tentunya pendekatan tersebut dapat juga dikembangkan dalam bentuk sistem berbasis komputer, sehingga penerapan KM tersebut akan lebih mudah dan sistematik. Pendekatan yang sangat baik adalah pendekatan kompetensi untuk membangun KM tersebut.

Direktori Kompetensi

Setiap perusahaan/organisasi mempunyai struktur organisasi untuk mendukung aktifitas-aktifitasnya dan mencapai sasaran-sasarannya yang telah ditetapkannya. Struktur organisasi tersebut mempunyai pekerjaan-pekerjaan (jobs) yang dijabat oleh pekerja yang sudah ditetapkan untuk menangani pekerjaan-pekerjaan tersebut. Untuk mampu melaksanakan pekerjaan tersebut dengan baik, maka setiap pekerjaan tersebut memberikan persyaratan kompetensi yang harus dimiliki oleh pekerja agar mampu melaksanakan tugas-tugas (tasks) yang ditanganinya. (Perhatikan gambar-1).

Kompetensi-kompetensi ini akan membentuk direktori kompetensi perusahaan/organisasi yang akan memperlihatkan fokus-fokus utama dalam pelaksanaan bisnisnya. Kompetensi-kompetensi tersebut akan saling terkait terhadap pekerjaan, sehingga satu kompetensi kemungkinan diperlukan oleh dua pekerjaan yang berbeda dan tentunya kemungkinan dengan level yang berbeda pula. Disamping hal itu, keberadaan kompetensi tersebut yang diperlukan oleh organisasi sangat dibatasi oleh keberadaan pekerja juga, misalnya sakit, meninggal dunia, mutasi ke departemen lain, pindah bidang keahlian/pengetahuan, pindah ke perusahaan lain. Oleh karena itu setiap organisasi/perusahaan harus mampu mengelola kompetensi-kompetensi utama yang ada di perusahaan untuk dapat mempertahankan kelangsungan atau keberadaan perusahaan dan mampu berkompetisi dengan baik.

Kompetensi-kompetensi yang seharusnya dimiliki oleh setiap pekerjaan dengan tingkat-tingkat tertentu sangat dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan sebagai sumber untuk mendukung kompetensi-kompetensi yang diperlukan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, pengelolaan pengetahuan (knowledge management) sangat diperlukan oleh setiap perusahaan/ organisasi untuk dapat mendukung peningkatan kompetensi yang dimiliki oleh para pekerjanya, sehingga tugas-tugas yang diberikan oleh perusahaan/organisasi dapat dilaksanakan lebih baik dan cepat. Melalui Knowledge Management yang berbasis kompetensi tersebut, maka setiap pekerja akan dapat belajar dari pengalaman pekerja lainnya ketika dia menggantikan posisinya.

Knowledge Management System Berbasis Direktori Kompetensi

Knowledge Management System (KMS) merupakan sistem berbasis komputer untuk mendukung penerapan KM di perusahaan/organisasi, sehingga penyebaran dan pengaksesan pengetahuan akan lebih efisien dan efektif. Terdapat lima prinsip utama yang mendasari pengembangan Knowledge Management System (KMS) :

Menyimpan pengetahuan secara online dan dapat dilakukan secara online . Macam-macam pengetahuan dipublikasikan dalam bentuk digital, dan jika diperlukan dicetak dalam kertas. Pengetahuan disimpan dalam jaringan Intranet, tidak disimpan dalam kabinet-kabinet atau kotak-kotak, karena pengetahuan yang sudah dijadikan dalam bentuk digital akan lebih efisien untuk dipelihara, dan akan lebih mudah untuk dianalisa, ditelusuri, diperbaharui dan disebarluaskan.

Memudahkan akses pengetahuan online. Organisasi/perusahaan mempunyai tanggungjawab dan kewajiban untuk semua karyawan mempunyai akses yang sama terhadap pengetahuan yang sesuai dengan keperluannya

Para pegawai menjadi “Knowledge Worker”. Para pegawai dituntut untuk meningkatkan kemampuannya ketika melayani pelanggan/kustomer internal atau eksternal, sehingga para pegawai mampu mengakses dengan segera terhadap pengetahuan yang terbaru dan akurat. Dalam hal ini, teknologi Web dapat memberikan fasilitas untuk mendorong perubahan budaya melalui lingkungan yang didukung oleh pengetahuan atau informasi yang dapat diakses dari berbagai lapisan, dan juga bisa saling melakukan sharing satu sama lain dengan mudah.

Berkerja secara kemitraan (teamwork) untuk mencapai sasaran. Terdapat kebutuhan yang mendesak untuk dapat melakukan kerjasama secara lebih baik diantara para anggota atau departemen organisasi/perusahaan.

Menghilangkan atau memperkecil penghalang dan memberikan contoh/model. Dalam era informasi, pimpinan perusahaan/organiasi seharusnya secara proaktif mendorong para pekerja untuk bisa saling berkerja sama, oleh karena itu pimpinan memberikan contoh atau model untuk selalu berbagi pengetahuan atau informasi dengan semua lapisan.

Teknologi Web dan Internet merupakan platform standard yang sudah banyak diterapkan di lingkungan perusahaan/organisasi, dan teknologi ini dapat mendukung prinsip-prinsip utama KMS dengan baik dan fleksible. Oleh karena itu teknologi ini sangat cocok dipergunakan untuk mengembangkan Knowledge Management System (KMS) berbasis direktori kompetensi ini.

Untuk dapat membangun dan menerapkan KMS berbasis direktori kompetensi ini dengan baik, maka Knowledge Director atau pimpinan projek penerapan KM di perusahaan/organisasi harus dapat memahami relasi-relasi dengan baik antara struktur organisasi, posisi pekerjaan dan kompetensi. (Seperti gambar-1).

Melalui relasi-relasi tersebut, KMS berbasis kompetensi mempunyai bagian-bagian utama, seperti :

Jobs Directory. Seluruh posisi pekerjaan (jobs) harus jelas dalam struktur organisasi, dan setiap pegawai harus mempunyai posisi pekerjaannya. Direktori ini merupakan pemetaan struktur organisasi terhadap posisi pekerjaan.

Competence Directory . Setiap pekerjaan akan mempunyai kompetensi-kompetensi yang disyaratkan. Direktori ini merupakan pemetaan pekerjaan terhadap kompetensi.

Knowledge Directory . Setiap kompetensi memerlukan pengetahuan. Pengetahuan terdiri dari empat sumber utama yaitu pelatihan, konsultansi, forum diskusi dan dokumen. Keempat sumber utama ini saling terkait, sehingga satu sama lain bisa saling mendukung. Pengetahuan ini harus langsung terkoneksi dengan kompetensi-kompetensi dari posisi job, sehingga akan terjadi sharing pengetahuan secara langsung.

Kelebihan sistem ini adalah dapat dijadikan sebagai sarana untuk menganalisa terhadap kebutuhan training yang lebih akurat sesuai dengan kebutuhan, karena kompetensi-kompetensi yang diperlukan lebih transfaran terhadap pekerjaan. Sistem ini dapat diterapkan dalam berbagai lingkungan perusahaan.

Proses pembelajaran para pegawai akan terjadi terus menerus, sehingga sistem ini dapat memberikan penghematan biaya dan waktu dalam proses peningkatan kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) perusahaan/organisasi, disamping hal itu pemberdayaan SDM akan lebih optimum untuk menangani pekerjaan-pekerjaannya dan tentunya akan dapat lebih saling berinteraksi untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapinya.


Knowledge Management merupakan langkah strategis bagi setiap organisasi/perusahaan. Pendekatan direktori kompetensi merupakan pendekatan yang fleksibel untuk penerapan KM. Sistem KM berbasis teknologi Web dapat dikembangkan dengan memperhatikan tiga relasi utama antara Jobs Directory, Competence Directory dan Knowledge Directory . Sistem ini dapat memberikan penghematan biaya dan waktu dalam proses peningkatan kualitas dan pemberdayaan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) perusahaan/organisasi.

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Written by erich fernando usman in: Artikel KM |

KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT – Case : Knowledge Management in EDS

Case Study

EDS was founded in 1962. Its main business is to provide service in Information Technology area. As a global company, present in 60 countries, it has approximately 138,000 employees and more than 35,000 business and government clients around the world. The company was established in Brazil in 1985. Nowadays, the Brazilian operation has approximately 5,100 employees spread over more than 12 states, including big markets as Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. EDS is considered a leader in Information Systems market in Brazil in a variety of areas such as telecommunication, power, health insurance, finance, government, etc (Http_1).

EDS helps its clients to manage their business and technological complexities. These are the main reasons why the company is always searching for better technology existents in the world market.

Training & Development

EDS’s employees are encouraged to further their careers through continued workplace learning and training courses. They are also stimulated to grow at their own pace – exploring new areas or enhancing the knowledge they already have. To contribute to this practice, the company created the EDS University. The main objective of it is to give the employees a chance to learn new skills or to improve current ones.

EDS University offers thousands of courses and has as its main advantages: the web- based training, the global 24/7 access to companywide learning centers , more than 7,000 courses, collaborative learning environments with e-mail, virtual communities and bulletin boards, a curriculum relevant to EDS business needs and to improving the skill set, course material from colleges, universities and best-practice companies and integrated Knowledge
Management systems including an online catalog, scheduling, registration, training delivery and reporting. (Http_2).

EDS culture

As part of EDS culture, the employees never stop learning. The IT market has been in constant change and to be the number one in this market it is necessary to create a work environment where nobody ever stops learning (Http_3). All employees are free to express their ideas. This can be verified in the company policies through: (Http_3):

  1. The Open Door – Every manager, executive and leader pledges to listen to employees. When someone has an idea, the managers will listen to it. If they have a problem, their leaders help to resolve it.
  2. The Town Hall – Each quarter, all areas of EDS get together for a town hall meeting to discuss work, life and service issues. Town halls are run by people that are willing to contribute with their thoughts to the company.
  3. The Straight Talk – EDS leaders around the globe answer some of the toughest team questions through the main communication channels such as email, newsletter and netmeeting.

Global Competitiveness

EDS has a global structure that allows it to offer its customers competitive prices. This is possible due to existence of its global solutions centers, placed in India, Egypt, New Zealand, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Ireland, The Czech Republic and Mexico. Beyond the price factor, other benefits are distinguished, such as:

  1. Production support for customers in different time zones 24-hour per day.
  2. Fast cycle of development which contributes to the conclusion of the projects ahead of the competitors.
  3. Being a global company allows EDS has qualified employees for different types of business in different parts of the world (Http_3).

To guarantee the functioning of the global solutions centers, the quality level must be kept consistent. To accomplish this, EDS adopted norms of standardization of development processes and maintenance of software dictated by international organisms, such as the Project Management Institute (PMI), the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) and the International Standards Organization (ISO) (Http_4).

Knowledge Management Models

In this section, how EDS fits under the three models will be discussed: the model of creation of the knowledge, the model of intellectual capital and the conceptual model of knowledge management.

EDS is concerned with the three intellectual capitals in the company (Stewart, 1998), which are: customer capital, human capital and organizational capital.
The customer capital has great value for the organization, and for this reason the company focuses on providing excellent services. The service levels offered by EDS are measured through an in-house tool based on the web developed. Thus, it is possible to get an instantaneous image of the customer’s status, which is an essential element in helping the company be a leader in the IT field (Http_3). Being a company that provides services in the IT area, makes EDS use technological innovations to provide the best service for the customers. Therefore, the structural capital is vital for maintaining the continuity of the business. Never stopping learning and having liberty of speech, part of the company’s culture, are examples of the importance of human capital for EDS. In one of the President’s letters (Http_5) this importance was highlighted – see extract of letter below.
“Our people are the real value behind every solution … every client value proposition. Technology can be bought. Strategies can be copied. The only sustainable competitive advantage a company has is its people. Today, our talent pool is richer, our morale higher and our people more energized. ” (Http_5).

Under Nonaka and Takeuchi’s Optics

In EDS the conversion of the tacit knowledge (ability, talent, form of work and individual wisdom) and explicit knowledge (materialized in the form of notations, memorandum, documents), as defined by Nonaka and Takeuchi (Nonaka, 1995) in the theory of the knowledge creation, is part of day-by-day activities. Socialization, externalization, combination and internalization are stimulated through the goals, the creativity stimulation, the incentive of projects documentation and the programs of incentive of innovation. In the company, the creativity is transforms into ideas and the ideas into strategies,
solutions and services which have real impact in the company’s business. The process is a never-ending spiral of tacit and explicit knowledge through the four models of knowledge conversion, i.e., socialization (from tacit to tacit), externalization (from tacit to explicit), combination (from explicit to explicit), and internalization (from explicit to tacit) (Http_6).
Through Figure 1 is possible to visualize the organizational knowledge creation at EDS.

Under Terra’s Optics

This model has seven dimensions of practical management composed by strategic vision and upper management, organizational culture, organizational structure, human resources policies, information technology, mensuration of results and learning from the external environment.
With the objective of identifying EDS’s current situation, a questionnaire was prepared. This questionnaire was based on the seven dimensions developed by Terra in his doctored thesis (Terra, 2000).
There are two main factors which contributed to the choice of this questionnaire: it was carried out in more than 400 Brazilian companies and the prior results could be used as benchmarking.

Analysis of Results

Twenty questionnaires were answered which represents a 100% response from the employees. Through the answers were identified important points that need to be developed. The arithmetic mean gotten by question varied between 1.9 and 4.65. Figure 2 presents in the form of columns, the averages of the results and, in the form of rows, the averages obtained for each group of company. As defined by Terra, Group 1 corresponds to the companies who learn, which means companies whose management practices are closely identified with effective Knowledge Management. Group 2 corresponds to the traditional companies whose management practices are moderately identified with effective Knowledge Management. Group 3 refers small companies whose management practices are poorly identified with effective management of knowledge (Terra, 2000).

Through figure 2, it is possible to conclude that EDS presents a bigger degree of agreement with group 2 – traditional companies. However, it is important to highlight that the topics Information System and Mensuration of Results are part of group 1. But, in the other hand, Structure Organizational is part of group 3. Three questions were answered in the System of Information topic. Analyzing them through figure 3 we can observe that all questions had practically the same weight on the average.
EDS prizes itself on communication efficiency, information sharing and incentive of system documentation which have been all well-evaluated in accordance with the replies gotten through the questionnaire.

The company has a perceived concern in evaluating the projects, looking to identify the sources of acquisition, generation and diffusion of the knowledge that they are excellent. The result of this constant work is showed in figure 4.

viewerThe worst evaluation occurred in the question related to the organizational structure, which can be compared with the group of small companies, who are less associated with effective management of knowledge. In figure 5, the only question that possesses weight bigger than the average is the one related to small reorganizations.

The questionnaire was composed of 41 questions, all of them related to the seven dimensions. Figure 6 shows the comparison of the averages per question with the results obtained for Terra (Terra, 2000). Through this figure, it can be observed that two average questions with very low average rates and two high average rates in comparison with groups 1, 2 and 3.

The two questions that presented the smallest degree of agreement between the respondents are:

  1. The decisions are taken at the lowest possible level. The power to decide process is agile; the bureaucracy is minimal. This question is part of the organizational structure dimension and has got the lowest arithmetic mean:1.95.
  2. There is profits-share participation, involving most of the employees. This question is part of Human Resources policies dimension and got the second lowest arithmetic mean: 2.

The two questions that presented high degree of agreement between the respondents are:

  1. It has a low turnover in the company in comparison to other companies in the same sector. This question is part of Human resources policy’s dimension and got the highest arithmetic mean: 4.65.
  2. It has great disciplines, efficiency and incentive for the documentation of the existing knowledge and know-how in the company. This question is part of Information Systems dimension and got the second high arithmetic mean: 4.25.

It is possible to conclude from the results that the fluidity of information flow in the company is facilitated by the sharing of knowledge and the low turnover. But, on the other hand, the employees still feel that factors such as bureaucracy and hierarchy have to be better worked. Those four questions are located in the graph presented in figure 7.


This paper will present some ideas to improve the flow of knowledge in EDS and to contribute to the development of an effective Knowledge Management. These ideas were derived from results presented previously in the analysis of the results section, together with the revision of literature. EDS needs to focus on communication -letting the employees know what the macro- strategy of the company is. In accordance with Terra (Terra, 2000), the strategies must be defined and displayed in a clear form for the agreement of all the employees. A suggestion to aid this weak point would be to use the Town Hall, which is a seminary that happens every three months and has as its objective to share existing ideas in the companies, to clarify the
objectives and to show the strategies traced from higher management.

EDS needs to create a system of rewards that involves incentives to the individual and collective development. One recent incentive that has been used for the companies is payment for abilities. This system involves much more than the position or job description of the work because involves the skills of the employee and could easily be used by EDS. Finally, another factor that needs to be improved is partnerships with universities and research institutes. This resource had a very small agreement among the respondents of the research. It is important to clarify that this is not only a problem for EDS because in Brazil only a small group of companies does this kind of partnership. In foreign companies this kind of partnerships is a common process (Terra, 2000). However, EDS should make alliances with the research institutes and university to develop innovative processes and then increase the knowledge exchange. Associated with these recommendations, figure 8 presents the proposal of this work for the methodology of development of a Knowledge Management project.

This methodology presents three stages: planning, analysis and action. In the stage of planning the verification of the existing knowledge in the organization is executed, using the models of Nonaka and Takeuchi (Nonaka, 1995), Stewart (Stewart, 1998) and Terra (Terra, 2000). It also executes the mapping of the existing knowledge to identify the imperfections and necessities based on the models. The stage of analysis includes the definition of the actions to be taken and creation of goals for the project. The last stage, which is the action, consists of taking action and making the employees aware of the importance of the project.

source :

Hal yang dapat di pelajari dari kasus di atas adalah EDS berusaha melatih karyawannya melalui beberapa macam pelatihan dan kursus yang di sediakan oleh EDS , untuk memberikan kesempatan kepada karywan mereka untuk terus berinovasi dan meningkatkan pengetahuan yg mereka miliki sebagai kesempatan untuk mempelajari keterampilan baru . selain itu , berusaha untuk meningkatkan persaingan secara global di bidang IT yang merupakan fokus utama EDS dalam melatih karyawannya.

Written by erich fernando usman in: 5 Case KM | Tags:

Knowledge management practices in academic libraries: a case study of the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg Libraries

1. Introduction

In the present information and knowledge era, knowledge has become a key resource. Faced with competition and increasingly dynamic environments, organisations are beginning to realise that there is a vast and largely untapped asset diffused around in the organisation – knowledge (Gupta, Iyer & Aronson, 2000).

This realisation not only occurs in business organisations but also in non-profit organisations such as academic libraries. The conventional function of academic libraries is to collect, process, disseminate, store and utilise information to provide service to the university community. However, the environment in which academic libraries operate today is changing. Academic libraries are part of the university and its organisational culture. Whatever affects universities also affects academic libraries. The role of academic libraries is changing to provide the competitive advantage for the parent university – a factor that is crucial to both staff and students (Foo et al., 2002).

Knowledge management is a viable means in which academic libraries could improve their services in the knowledge economy. This can be achieved through creating an organisational culture of sharing knowledge and expertise within the library. However, organisations face innumerable challenges in nurturing and managing knowledge. The challenges occur because only a part of knowledge is internalised by the organisation, the other is internalised by individuals (Bhatt, 2002). Organisations, including academic libraries can create and leverage its knowledge base through initiation of appropriate knowledge management practices. TFPL (1999) argued that “for organisations to compete effectively in the knowledge economy they need to change their values and establish a new focus on creating and using intellectual assets”.

The success of academic libraries depends on their ability to utilise information and knowledge of its staff to better serve the needs of the academic community. Lee (2000) pointed out that the knowledge and experiences of library staff are the intellectual assets of any library and should be valued and shared. Academic libraries as constituents of the parent university should rethink and explore ways to improve their services and become learning organisations in which to discover how to capture and share tacit and explicit knowledge within the library. The changing role of academic librarians as knowledge managers emphasises the need to constantly update or acquire new skills and knowledge to remain relevant to the today’s library environment. Academic libraries may need to restructure their functions, expand their roles and responsibilities to effectively contribute and meet the needs of a large and diverse university community.

This article aims to give an overview of knowledge management and its role in universities and academic libraries. The article will report on the case study results of the academic librarians of the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg Libraries and their current knowledge management practices.

2. Knowledge management: an overview

Knowledge management is a concept that has emerged explosively in the business community and has been the subject of much discussion over the past decade by various researchers and authors (Allee 1997; Bhatt 2002; Davenport & Prusak 1998; Probst, Raub & Romhardt 2000; Skyrme 1997; Wiig 2000). The essential part of knowledge management is, of course, knowledge. To determine what knowledge management is, it is helpful first to distinguish the differences between data, information and knowledge.

2.1 Various knowledge concepts: from data to knowledge

Many writers have addressed the distinctions among data, information and knowledge (Allee 1997; Barquin 2000; Beller 2001; Bellinger, Castro & Mills 1997). According to Suurla, Markkula and Mustajarvi (2002, p.35), “data refers to codes, signs and signals that do not necessarily have any significance as such”. It means that data are raw facts that have no context or meaning of their own. Organisations collect, summarise and analyse data to identify patterns and trends. Most of the data thus collected is associated with functional processes of the organisation. On the other hand, information as a concept takes up different meanings, depending on the context in which is discussed. Data becomes information when organised, patterned, grouped, and or categorised; thus increasing depth of meaning to the receiver (Boone 2001, p.3). Through learning and adoption, information can be changed into knowledge (Suurla, Markkula & Mustajarvi, 2002). It is evident from literature that knowledge is an intrinsically ambiguous term, and therefore, defining it precisely is difficult. It is because different disciplines use the term to denote different things. Despite the difficulties in defining knowledge, it is well agreed that, “knowledge is the expertise, experience and capability of staff, integrated with processes and corporate memory” Knowledge is always bound to persons and validated in the context of application. A well-known distinction in this respect is that between explicit and tacit knowledge, a distinction first elaborated by Michael Polanyi (Skyrme, 2002). Polanyi (1966) cited in uit Beijerse (1999, p.99) stated that “personal or tacit knowledge is extremely important for human cognition, because people acquire knowledge by the active creation and organisation of their own experience”.

This implies that most of the knowledge is tacit and becomes explicit when shared. Tacit knowledge is personal, context-specific (Allee, 1997) and therefore hard to formalise and communicate. It resides in the brains of the people. Explicit or “codified” knowledge, on the other hand, refers to knowledge that is transmittable in formal, systematic language (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995). In other words, explicit knowledge is expressed as information in various formats that include published materials and manuals of rules, routines and procedures.

Knowledge and management of knowledge appear to be regarded as increasingly important features for organisational survival (Martensson, 2000). knowledge is a fundamental factor, whose successful application helps organisations deliver creative products and services. different as compared to organisations existed in one or two decades ago in terms of their functions, structures and style of management. Yu (2002) pointed out that organisations put more emphasis on understanding, adapting and managing changes and competing on the basis of capturing and utilising knowledge to better serve their markets. The central argument around which knowledge management revolves is that people hold a wealth of knowledge and experience that represents a significant resource for an organisation. Most of this knowledge is represented in a wide variety of organisational processes, best practices and know-how (Gupta, Iyer & Aronson 2000). However, knowledge is diffused, and mostly unrecognised.

Today organisations are fundamentally It is important for organisations to determine who knows what in an organisation and how that knowledge can be shared throughout the organisation. For the purpose of this research, knowledge management is thus: the explicit and systematic management of vital knowledge and its associated processes of creating, gathering, organising, diffusion, use and exploitation. It requires turning personal knowledge into corporate knowledge that can be widely shared throughout an organisation and applied (Skyrme, 1997).

Formalising knowledge management activities in an organisation may help create consistency of methods and the transfer of best practices. Furthermore, knowledge should add value to the organisation as well as being an important dimension. However, most organisations operate in environments that they cannot control. It is because of the changes and challenges that organisations are faced with in the global knowledge economy. organisations could improve their performance in the global economy. The success of organisations is subject to both internal and external forces that they must operate in order to survive. Knowledge management is a viable means in which organisations could improve their performance in the global economy. The success of organisations is subject to both internal and external forces that they must operate in order to survive.

2.2 The changing role of universities

Knowledge management as it evolved in the business sector is slowly gaining acceptance in the academic sector. Oosterlink and Leuven (2002) pointed out that, “in our era of knowledge society and a knowledge economy, it is clear that universities have a major role to play”. In other words, universities are faced with a challenge to better create and disseminate knowledge to society. However, Reid (2000) argued “traditionally, universities have been the sites of knowledge production, storage, dissemination and authorisation”. Similarly, Ratcliffe-Martin, Coakes and Sugden (2000) articulated that universities traditionally focus on the acquisition of knowledge and learning.

As organisations (recognised to be in the knowledge business), universities and other higher education institutions face similar challenges that many other non-profit and for-profit organisations face (Rowley, 2000; Petrides & Nodine, 2003). Among these challenges are financial pressures, increasing public scrutiny and accountability, rapidly evolving technologies, changing staff roles, diverse staff and student demographics, competing values and a rapidly changing world (Naidoo, 2002). Universities seek to share information and knowledge among the academic community within the institution. Knowledge management has become a key issue in universities due to changes in knowledge cultures. Oosterlink and Leuven (2002)
argued that:
Universities are no longer living in splendid isolation.
They have their own place in society, and they have a
responsibility to society, which expects something in
return for privileges it has granted.

In other words, universities do not exist as single entities. They are part of society through engaging in teaching, research and community service. Therefore, the knowledge created in universities through research and teaching should be relevant to the labour market.

conservation of knowledge and ideas; teaching, research, publication, extension and services and interpretation (Budd, 1998; Ratcliffe-Martin, Coakes & Sugden, 2000). As a result, promoting knowledge as the business of the university should be the major focus of higher education institutions. It may be noted that the university is concerned with the Similar to corporate organisations there are forces that are driving the changes in the way universities operate. Nunan (1999) cited in Reid (2000) argued that “higher education is undergoing transformations due to a range of external forces such as market competition, virtualisation and internationalisation, giving rise to new ways of understanding the role and function of the university”. This implies that the present- day economic, social and technological context is bringing about changes to which universities must also adapt (CRUE, 2002). Universities compete against each other due to a great number of people who have access to higher education. Furthermore, the competitive pressures universities are now experiencing also result from changes in financial support, increasing costs of education and demand for educational services. Again, the present speed of knowledge transfer has generated an increasing demand from professionals and businesses for continuing education (CRUE, 2002).

This shift to a market orientation will alter the form in which knowledge is disseminated. That is, the focus of universities is moving away from the autonomy professionals and toward an integrated sharing of knowledge. Abell and Oxbrow (2001, p.230) pointed out that, “as with all organisations, academic institutions have recognised that their strength in the market may in future hinge on their ability to build collaborative and strategic partnerships”. These demands require the development of partnerships between universities and curricula customised to meet students’ needs. It can be noted that universities are complicated environments, incorporating a variety of very different kinds of work. As is true of all organisations, the universities have their own political structures and their own cultures (Budd, 1998, p.6). In addition to that, they have their own ways of responding to the society. Another challenge that universities face, is demographic changes and that affects the institution’s delivery of education and also the library’s delivery of service. It is a challenge that requires universities to restructure their services to meet the needs of the academic community.

It is suggested that institutions of higher education gear up for a massive increase in the demand for educational services (Stoffle, 1996). Hawkins (2000) highlighted that collaboration requires the actual commitment and investment of resources, based on a shared vision. As a result, universities may be required to pool their resources in terms of human expertise, skills and competencies to achieve their goals. These challenges which occur as a result of change and transformation demands that universities come to grips with the notion that collaboration is one of the means of competitive survival (Hawkins, 2000).

In addition, the universities’ market demands are changing in terms of improving student learning outcomes. Some of the changes taking place in higher education have a direct impact on the library and its services. These include alterations in institution’s curricula, demographic changes in student bodies and additions to the media used in the classroom and in support of research (Budd, 1998). This translates to a demand that cannot be met with current resources, present bureaucratic structures and traditional methods for delivering services. Reid (2000) pointed out that this causes universities to measure their teaching programmes, at least to some extent, as a market commodity that is aimed to meet the needs of the customer. In addition, universities will be required to re-examine all traditional methods and frameworks for a university education. In doing so, the discussion about this re-examination of the university will move into the same kind of paradigm shifting as that about libraries (Stoffle, 1996). It is also a challenge to academic libraries to support the needs of students for virtual learning.

libraries are turning to be “libraries without walls” and the information they deal with is now multi-format. Due to these challenges, it is clear that academic Furthermore, emerging information and communication technologies (ICTs) allow for the virtualisation of teaching and learning (Reid, 2000). universities makes it possible for courses, modules and training programmes that are interactive and multimedia based to be delivered on any time any place basis (Stoffle, The use of ICTs in 1996). This has created competition between universities in terms of delivering higher education services to the academic community. In addition, universities have been influenced by the modes of organising that dominated the corporate world and institutions. The upshot of the foregoing is that universities are facing the need for massive change in organisational structure, organisational culture in order to facilitate and integrate the sharing of knowledge within the university community. Commitment to change and learning together is important in that it combines to turn the universities into learning organisations.

2.3 Role of knowledge management in universities

As organisations grow ever complex, the organisational structures reflect specialisation in knowledge and expertise. Budd (1998) argued that higher education, as it grew, took an organisational characteristic of these other institutions, because there was increasing organisational complexity, that is, the level of knowledge and expertise in an organisation. As a result, today many educational institutions are seeking better ways to transform that knowledge into effective decision-making and action (Petrides & Nodine, 2003). The focus of universities, is based on making individual knowledge reusable for the achievement of the missions of the university.

However, Ratcliffe-Martin, Coakes and Sugden (2000) argued that:
Universities do not generally manage information well. They tend to lose
it, fail to exploit it, duplicate it, do not share it, do not always share it, do
not always know what they know and do not recognise knowledge as an

In order for universities to achieve their institutional mission, that is, education, research and service to society, they need to be consciously and explicitly managing the processes associated with the creation of knowledge. Academic institutions exist to create knowledge, and thus, they have a role to play. Knowledge management should have significance in higher education institutions. Sallis and Jones (2002, p.74) pointed out that education ought to find it easier to embrace knowledge management ideas, processes and techniques than many other organisations. Oosterlink and Leuven (2002) emphasised that with a suitable and multifaceted approach to knowledge management, universities can guarantee their own survival and at the same time prove that they are essential to modern society.

This is supported to some extent by Achava-Amrung (2001), who stated that
“knowledge management involves setting an environment that allows college and university constituencies to create, capture, share and leverage knowledge to improve their performance in fulfilling institutional missions”. Knowledge management is an appropriate discipline for enabling a smooth integration of these new needs that have arisen from the present economic, social and technological context, into higher education. management should aim at both internal reorganisation of resources and improving teaching and research (CRUE 2002). It is clear in the era of a knowledge society and a knowledge economy that universities have a major role to play. Stoffle (1996) pointed out that:

The application of knowledge
It is in this area that academic libraries have a unique
window of opportunity to help shape the future of both
the library and the institution and it is the library’s
educational and knowledge management roles that hold
the keys to success in this new arena.

Academic libraries have always facilitated information exchange, so they are well placed to take on knowledge management functions.

2.4 Academic libraries and knowledge management

As mentioned earlier, academic libraries face unprecedented challenges in the 21st century. Libraries are human organisations, so they are subject to the same sort of influences that many other organisations must deal with (Budd, 1998). The changing environment of academic life demands new competencies in academic librarians (Mahmood, 2003). As a result, the knowledge and expertise of academic librarians needs to be seen as the library’s greatest asset. The following section is divided into three main parts. The first part highlights a number of important issues facing academic libraries. The second part looks at how knowledge management practices could be applied in academic libraries. The final part explores the skills and competencies needed to carry out knowledge management activities within academic libraries.

2.4.1 Changing environment and issues facing academic libraries Multiple formats of information

The rapid growth of information and communication technologies (ICTs) are said to be changing the way academic libraries operate today. Academic library collections are no longer collections comprised almost entirely of printed materials but collections comprised almost of materials in multiple formats and media (Budd, 1998). Information technologies such as computers, multimedia and CD-ROMs are bringing unprecedented abilities to academic libraries in providing services and resources to the university community. Over the past few years, the Web has had a tremendous effect on the growth of information and the speed of transmission. The problem with the Web is that, there is no real organisation of information like in the case of libraries. New means to deliver information over the Web places a challenge to academic librarians in terms of helping students make sense of information found on websites.

Another challenge facing academic libraries in the networked online environment is into exploit all forms of digital and telecommunication technologies and find new ways and means to provide feasible forms of collections; services and access to library materials (Foo et al., 2002). These technologies however, require greater responsibility to academic librarians. The challenge for academic librarians is to manage services, which offer users a carefully selected mix of multiple formats and media. Academic libraries should rethink their role in the whole university community. There is a need to support the needs of the users since the teaching and learning patterns in universities have changed. As information and research resources become more varied, this places a challenge to academic libraries. information, in research strategies and in the structure of higher education are affecting academic libraries. These changes define much of the shifting context within which academic libraries must operate. The changes brought by electronic Hazen (2000) argued that the changes in the nature of media necessitate transformation in the way librarians think about their jobs, the users of information and communication process of which they are part of (Budd 1998, p.270). Academic librarians must strive to remain competent navigators of each medium on order to assist the library users. Changing user needs

As universities’ market demands are changing in terms of improving students learning outcomes, this has a direct impact on academic libraries and their delivery of services. Due to societal and technological developments, traditional teaching changes increasingly in creating learning environments.
learning processes via more ‘indirect’ contacts with teachers and facilities, including scientific information (Van Bentum & Braaksma, 1999). In addition, the teaching and learning patterns have developed towards greater modularisation and place an emphasis on self-directed, independent study and student-centred learning (Farley, Broady-Preston & Hayward 1998, p.154). This places greater demands on the library, which is increasingly being used for group work, and librarians face increased pressure on the enquiry service and a greater need for user support and education. Students participate in flexible Academic libraries have to provide information services for users acting in the changing academic environment. Academic librarians need to liaise with library users, faculties and schools to support the effective teaching, learning and research in universities. As Parker and Jackson (1998) explained, liaison is particularly important in a world of resource-based learning where students are encouraged to carry out more independent work and make wider use of a range of learning resources (including electronic information resources).

libraries to offer user-friendly ICT oriented facilities (like remote access to information and services), analyse the changing user needs and give support to users in new academic environments. The challenges require academic Organisational structures

As a result of rapid environmental changes, academic libraries need to rethink their organisational structures in an attempt to provide quality service to the university community. The question to ask is: are academic libraries organisationally capable of addressing the challenges and issues facing them? Hazen (2000) pointed out that the structures that define academic libraries vary between countries, between institutions and between types of institutions. In other words, the type of organisational structure existing in academic libraries is determined by their readiness to deal with current challenges. Stoffle (1996) suggested that “we must flatten our organisations and eliminate the bureaucracies that make us inflexible and slow in our response to our environment and the opportunities that are constantly presented”. organisational structures are more conducive to innovation than are rigid hierarchies (Edwards & Walton, 1996). They promote the creation of ideas. Flatter There is a need to reshape the structure of academic libraries so that they will be able to improve the services they provide to both today’s and tomorrow’s users. Wilson (1998, p.17) urged university librarians to make their organisations more client- centred, to redesign work processes in light of organisational goals, and restructure in order to support front-line performance. The emphasis is more on the needs of the library user than the needs of the library. Moran (2001) argued that the hallmark of a learning organisation is information sharing, team-based structure, empowered employees, decentralised decision making and participative strategy. organisations, academic libraries need to reshape their structures to better serve their users. Changing role of academic librarians

In an age of great change in information formats, delivery models and technologies, an important new role emerges for the academic librarian (CETUS, 1999). Bertnes (2000) argued that knowledge workers will be the most important profession in this century. There is no doubt that they are librarians. One of the major roles of academic librarians in the knowledge economy is that of knowledge managers. It is evident that academic librarians can no longer meet the information needs of the university community through the traditional avenue of simply adding to their library collections. Academic librarians need to go an extra mile. They need to understand the information and knowledge needs of users. They should be in a position to map internal and external knowledge that would assist them in increasing their efficiency. In other words, academic librarians should extend their information management roles and enhance their knowledge management competencies. Foo et al., (2002) pointed out that academic librarians as knowledge workers, need to play active roles in searching for innovative solutions to the issues involved in adapting to new environments.

2.5 Applying knowledge management practices in academic libraries

The basic goal of knowledge management within libraries is to leverage the available knowledge that may help academic librarians to carry out their tasks more efficiently and effectively. Knowledge management is also aimed at extending the role of librarians to manage all types of information and tacit knowledge for the benefit of the library. Knowledge management can help transform the library into a more efficient, knowledge sharing organization (Jantz, 2001, p.34). Kim (1999) pointed out that knowledge management practices aim to draw out the tacit knowledge people have, what they carry around with them, what they observe and learn from experience, rather than what is usually explicitly stated. It is important for academic libraries to determine and manage their knowledge assets to avoid duplication of efforts. Knowledge management process involves the creation, capturing, sharing and utilisation of knowledge.

2.5.1 Knowledge creation

Whether the key objective of academic libraries is to provide resources and information services to support the university community, the key resource that is required is knowledge. knowledge of library users and their needs, knowledge of the library collection and knowledge of library facilities and technologies available. These types of knowledge must be put together so that new knowledge is created which leads to the improvement and development of service to the users and functioning of the academic library.

However, this diverse knowledge is rather dispersed across all library sections and up the library hierarchy. The knowledge is not held by one individual only but by a number of individuals. Newell et al. (2002, p.48) pointed out that:

Knowledge creation is typically the outcome of an interactive process that
will involve a number of individuals who are brought together in a project
team or some other collaborative arrangement.

Only where there is interaction and communication can be a comparison of each person’s ideas and experiences with those of others. particularly important process of knowledge management. That is, the knowledge of the library’s operation, the Knowledge creation is a It focuses on the development of new skills, new products, better ideas and more efficient processes (Probst, Raub & Romhardt, 2000). In addition, knowledge creation refers to the ability to originate novel and useful ideas and solutions (Bhatt, 2001). As a result, when an organization knows what it knows, values and prioritizes that knowledge, and develops systems for leveraging and sharing, it leads directly to the creation of new knowledge (Huseman & Goodman 1999, p.216). Knowledge in the context of academic libraries can be created through understanding the user needs and requirements as well as understanding the university’s curricula. Tang (1998) pointed out that from the library’s perspective, knowledge creation implies participating more in user’s reading and studying by identifying information needs. In order to succeed, academic library services must link with the university’s academic programme or curricula. knowledge creation process through participating in the teaching and research activities of the university. Knowledge creation in this context should involve all the management effort through which the academic library consciously strives to acquire competencies that it does not have both internally and externally. Academic librarians can become part of the

2.5.2 Knowledge capturing and acquisition

Capturing and acquiring knowledge is crucial to the success and development of a knowledge-based organization. Organizations often suffer permanent loss of valuable experts through dismissals, redundancies, retirement and death (Probst, Raub & Romhardt 2000, p.226). The reason for this is that much knowledge is stored in the heads of the people and it is often lost if not captured elsewhere. The surest way to avoid collective loss of organizational memory is to identify the expertise and the skills of staff and capture it.

Academic libraries need to develop ways of capturing its internal knowledge, devise systems to identify people’s expertise and develop ways of sharing it. processes of capturing knowledge can include collating internal profiles of academic librarians and also standardizing routine information-update reports.

In addition, successful libraries are those that are user-centred and are able to respond to users’ needs. As users became more sophisticated, academic libraries need to develop innovative ways to respond – to add value to their services. Academic libraries need to be aware and to aim at capturing the knowledge that exists within them. The type of enquiries, for example, that are most commonly received at the reference desk should be captured and placed within easy reach to better serve users in the shortest time possible. It is important to create a folder of frequently asked questions to enable academic librarians to not only provide an in-depth customized reference service but also to become knowledgeable about handling different enquiries. Huseman and Goodman (1999, p.204) pointed out that there are times when an organization does not possess certain knowledge internally and does not have the skills to find it. As a result, academic libraries find themselves unable to develop the know-how that they need. Extra knowledge must therefore be acquired somehow if it is felt it will be useful to the goals of the academic library. The academic library as an organization may want to look outside its own boundaries to outsource or acquire new knowledge. From the point of view of knowledge management, outsourcing may be described as substituting external know-how for internal know-how (Probst, Raub & Romhardt, 2000).

In addition, as work practices change and people work more flexibly, it is important to provide ways to allow them to access external information (Westwood, 2001). Librarians have been dealing with building and searching online databases for a longtime. This kind of experience can be very helpful in building knowledge bases and repositories, a crucial area of knowledge management for managing organizational memory (Foo et al., 2002). Knowledge acquisition is the starting point of knowledge management in libraries (Shanhong, 2000). Knowledge in academic libraries can be acquired through:

• Establishing knowledge links or networking with other libraries and with institutions of all kinds;

• Attending training programmes, conferences, seminars and workshops;

• Subscribing to listservs and online or virtual communities of practice;

• Buying knowledge products or resources in the form of manuals, blueprints, reports and research reports.

Academic libraries need to gear up to equip academic librarians with the know-how they need to cope with the rapid changes of the 21st century, which is more information driven and knowledge-generated than any other area.

2.5.3 Knowledge sharing

Expertise exists in people, and much of this kind of knowledge is tacit rather than explicit (Branin, 2003), which makes it difficult to be shared. At its most basic, knowledge sharing is simply about transferring the dispersed know-how of organisational members more effectively. experiences gained internally and externally in the organization. Making this know- how available to other organisational members will eliminate or reduce duplication of efforts and form the basis for problem solving and decision-making. Knowledge sharing is based on the In the context of academic libraries, it can be noted that a great deal of knowledge sharing is entirely uncoordinated and any sharing of information and knowledge has been on an informal basis and usually based on conversation. Although knowledge has always been present in organizations, and to some extent shared, this has been very much on an ad hoc basis, until recently it was certainly not overtly managed or promoted as the key to organisational success (Webb, 1998). More emphasis is placed on formalizing knowledge sharing.

Jantz (2001, p.35) had pointed out that in many library settings, there is no systematic approach to organizing the knowledge of the enterprise, and making it available to other librarians and staff in order to improve the operation of the library. academic libraries to utilize their know-how, it is necessary that they become knowledge-based organizations. Academic libraries need to prepare themselves for using and sharing knowledge. To determine if there is any practice of knowledge sharing in academic libraries, we need to ask ourselves these questions: are academic librarians encouraged to share knowledge? Are the skills and competencies in the academic library identified and shared? How is the knowledge shared? Is knowledge sharing the norm? The expertise and know-how of organisational members should be valued and shared. Probst, Raub & Romhardt (2000, p.164) have pointed out that it is vital that knowledge should be shared and distributed within an organization, so that isolated information or experience can be used by the whole company. In reality, distribution and sharing knowledge is not easy task (Davenport, 1994). However, it is important for organizations to motivate why knowledge is being shared. The importance of knowledge sharing should be based on the capability of academic librarians to identify, integrate and acquire external knowledge. This should include knowledge denoting library practices, users and operational capabilities.

2.6 Skills and competencies needed for knowledge management

Knowledge management activities are aimed at facilitating the creation, capturing and acquisition, sharing and utilization of knowledge.such knowledge-enabling initiatives in the workplace requires the knowledge manager to apply several skills-sets (TFPL, 1999). In the perspective of academic libraries, there is a need for academic librarians to extend their expertise. transformation from librarian to knowledge manager is clearly underway (Church, 1998). However, this impending shift of incorporating knowledge management in the library activities requires a great deal of preparation. Bishop (2001) pointed out that the challenge for the information professional lies in applying competencies used in ‘managing information’ to the broader picture of ‘managing knowledge’. The greater challenge is managing the know-how of organisational members, which they acquire through years of experience.

The success of academic libraries depends on the capabilities and skills of its staff to serve the needs of the university community more efficiently and effectively. To be successful in this environment, individuals need to acquire new combination of skills (TFPL, 1999).  Bishop (2001) argued that managing knowledge requires a mix of In making knowledge moretechnical, organisational and interpersonal skills. accessible, it useful to have knowledge of the organisation, customer service orientation and training skills (Koina, 2002). Teng and Hawamdeh (2002, p.195) summed up the skills needed by the information professional in a knowledge-based environment:

•IT literacy, that is knowing how to use the appropriate technology to capture, catalogue and disseminate information and knowledge to the target audience and knowing how to translate that knowledge into a central database for employees of the organisation to access;

• A sharp and analytical mind;

• Innovation and inquiring;

•Enables knowledge creation, flow and communication within the organisation and between staff and public.

It is important for academic libraries to encourage librarians to constantly update their skills and competencies in this changing environment.

3. Results and discussions

The following section will partly present and discuss the research results of a case study conducted at the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg Libraries. The research was aimed at understanding the knowledge situation of the library and to establish the ways in which the academic librarians could add value to their services by engaging with knowledge management.

3.1 Brief profile of respondents

The respondents work across various sections of the library with the major ones being the Issue Desk (34.8%), Subject Librarian Unit (26.1%) and Short Loan (21.7%). A large majority of the respondents were female (82.61%) and this is an indication that women largely dominate the profession. Almost half (52.17%) of the respondents were between 26 and 35 years old with the remaining ones almost evenly split between the ages 36-45 years (26.09%), 46-55 years (17.39%) and the smallest age group were over 55 years (4.35%). The results further indicated that a large majority of respondents have 6-10 years of working experience in academic libraries.

In terms of educational background, most of the respondents have a postgraduate degree in library and information science (see Figure One) and this show the demands of the profession in terms of keeping skills current. In addition to the qualifications, some of the academic librarians interviewed indicated that they keep updating their skills especially when new multimedia products are installed in the library.

3.2 Knowledge management practices

Respondents were asked to indicate the library’s use of formal, informal and everyday knowledge management practices in terms of current use and not in use. Knowledge management practices aim to draw out the tacit knowledge people have, what they carry around with them, what they observe and learn from experience, rather than what is usually explicitly stated (Kim 1999). Knowledge management practices were categorised into policies and strategies, leadership, knowledge capturing and acquisition and knowledge sharing.

3.2.1 Most knowledge management practices in use Partnerships with other libraries

The study was interested to find out if the library does collaborate with other libraries. Overall, 73.9% respondents said the library had used partnerships with other libraries to acquire knowledge. Leveraging and sharing knowledge is a key component of partnerships or collaborations. Today libraries face innumerable challenges that are so complex and interrelated that no single librarian, library manager or library can cope to address them alone. In order to address these challenges, libraries need a broad array of knowledge, skills and resources. become increasingly networked, libraries have begun to form new partnerships with other libraries to develop and improve services and products that support users and advance access to scholarly information. Cohen and Levinthal (2000:39) pointed out that “the ability of a firm to recognise the value of new, external information, assimilate it, and apply it, to commercial ends is critical to its innovative capabilities”. The same applies to academic libraries, in that librarians need information and knowledge to effectively improve their services for users in an increasingly complex and sophisticated information environment. As the information environment has Knowledge sharing

The study also wanted to find out if staff was systematically sharing their know-how, expertise and experiences through various mechanisms. Respondents indicated that they shared knowledge informally within the library (87.0%), preparing written documentation such as newsletters (82.6%), and in collaborative work by teams (52.2%). The study also wanted to find out the level of knowledge sharing in the library. Overall, 47.8% of the participants said that knowledge sharing in the library was on average, 21.7% mentioned that it was good, 17.4% said it was poor and 13.0% indicated that it was unsatisfactory. It can be argued that though the library does share knowledge to some extent, however, there is little systematic sharing of knowledge taking place among the academic library staff. More emphasis should be placed on formalising knowledge sharing activities.

3.2.2 Knowledge management practices not in use Policies and strategies

Respondents (60.9%) indicated that the library had no written knowledge management policy and strategy and 39.1% respondents said they were not aware of any knowledge management policies or strategies in place. The results indicate that knowledge management is not seen as an integral part of the library’s mission and objectives. In addition, the results indicate that there is a lack of awareness of knowledge management in the library. In most cases academic libraries do not systematically or formally harness and manage their knowledge management activities. Leadership

With regard to who takes part in leading knowledge management activities, the results indicate neither the University Librarian (78.3%) nor the library staff (56.5%) is involved in knowledge management activities. With the follow-up interviews conducted, the library staff indicated that if the library has to implement knowledge management, they need the support of management and that the University Librarian should play a leadership role in knowledge management activities. Knowledge capturing and acquisition

The study was interested to find out if the library had captured and acquired the knowledge of its internal staff. Overall, 87.0% of respondents indicated that there was no capturing and acquisition of knowledge of internal staff. The results show that the library has not recognised the capacity of its staff. Capturing and acquiring knowledge is crucial to the success and development of a knowledge-based organisation. With the follow up interviews conducted, participants indicated that there was a high staff turnover. The participants mentioned that the know-how and expertise of the retired and resigned staff has not been captured elsewhere. As Probst, Raub and Romhardt (2000:226) had said “organisations often suffer permanent loss of valuable knowledge through dismissals, redundancies, retirement and death”. It is important for the library to gear towards developing ways to capture the expertise and know-how of its staff.

3.3 Possible reasons to apply knowledge management practices

This question was trying to find out the possible reasons to apply knowledge management practices in the library. Respondents (69.6%) found that promoting the sharing or transferring of knowledge with users such as lecturers and students was critical. It is because the role of academic libraries is to provide and disseminate information to its users.

important to identify and protect strategic knowledge present in the library. Lee (2000) pointed out that the knowledge and experiences of library staff are the intellectual assets of any library and should be valued and shared. The success of academic libraries depends on their ability to utilise information and knowledge within.

3.4 Skills needed for knowledge management

The study was trying to find out the skills that academic librarians need in order to better serve the needs of the users.  The results show that academic librarians are in need of skills and competencies that could help them engage in knowledge management activities. It is indicated in the literature that the success of academic libraries depends on the capabilities and skills of its staff to better serve the needs of the university community more efficiently and effectively. Academic librarians need to constantly update their skills and competencies.

3.5 Motivation to implement knowledge management practices

The study wanted to find out what could motivate the library to implement knowledge management practices. Participants indicated the following:
• The difficulty in capturing staff’s undocumented knowledge;
• Loss of key personnel and their knowledge;
• To contribute to knowledge creation of knowledge to the parent university;
• To increase knowledge sharing and
• To increase staff productivity.

It can be noted that there are various reasons into which organisations embark on knowledge management activities.In the case of the University of Natal,  Pietermaritzburg Libraries the problem lies with lack of capturing the knowledge of staff. Knowledge capturing is an important process that enables individual knowledge to be reusable in the whole organisation. The library should establish ways in which knowledge could be captured.

source :

Hal yang dapat di pelajari dari kasus di atas adalah bahwa universitas natal ini berusaha untuk meningkatkan pelayanan mereka dalam sharing informasi dengan menerapkan Knowledge Management. agar knowledge Management ini dapat berjalan maka para karyawannya di harapkan mampu untuk menerapkan budaya sharing informasi berbagi pengetahuan . selain itu , keberhasilannya juga tergantung pada kemampuan para karyawannya dalam memanfaatkan informasi dan pengetahuan. pengetahuan dan pengalaman merupakan aset intelektual suatu perpustakaan , apabila ke duanya tidak di jalankan maka akan menimbulkan suatu masalah.

Written by erich fernando usman in: 5 Case KM | Tags:

Implementasi Knowledge Management pada APTEKINDO, Pembentukan Sharing Culture antar Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan di Indonesia

A. Pendahuluan

APTEKINDO, akronim dari Asosiasi Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan Indonesia, merupakan asosiasi institusi pendidikan tinggi yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan calon guru pendidikan teknologi dan kejuruan, Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan, Program Diploma, Politeknik dan Lembaga Diklat di Indonesia. Sedangkan tujuan yang ingin dicapai adalah

  1. Turut aktif dalam upaya menyukseskan pembangunan nasional, khususnya dibidang pendidikan dengan jalan memberikan sumbangan pemikiran dan menunjang pelaksanaan program yang menjadi garis kebijaksanaan pemerintah,
  2. Mengembangkan serta memajukan pendidikan kejuruan sebagai ilmu profesi dalam rangka ikut mempersiapkan sumberdaya manusia yang berkualitas tinggi di Indonesia,
  3. Mengupayakan pengembangan dan kemajuan Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan (LPTK-PTK) Universitas dan institusi pendidikan kejuruan lainnya,
  4. Mengupayakan pengembangan ketenagakerjaan dalam arti seluas-luasnya, dan
  5. Mempertinggi professionalisme tenaga kependidikan kejuruan sesuai dengan tuntutan perkembangan masyarakat .

Sedangkan Fungsi APTEKINDO yaitu:

  1. Sebagai inovator dan inisiator dalam perumusan kebijakan pendidikan kejuruan,
  2. Sebagai wadah persatuan, pembinaan dan pengembangan anggota dalam upaya mencapai tujuan organisasi,
  3. Sebagai wadah peran serta profesional pendidikan kejuruan dalam usaha menyukseskan pembangunan nasional,
  4. Sebagai sarana penyalur aspirasi anggota serta sarana komunikasi sosial timbal balik antar organisasi kemasyarakatan dan pemerintah,
  5. Ikut serta berperan dalam proses pengawasan mutu pendidikan kejuruan di Indonesia, dan
  6. Memberikan advokasi kepada anggota APTEKINDO . Tujuan dan fungsi APTEKINDO ini tidak akan tercapai jika tidak ada resource sharing yang meliputi kepakaran, fasilitas, dan pengetahuan antar sesama anggota APTEKINDO.

Anggota APTEKINDO terdiri dari Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi, Politeknik, SMK dan Lemdiklat dengan lokasi masing-masing anggota tersebar di seluruh nusantara, yang berjauhan secara geografis. Dengan kondisi seperti itu maka sharing fasilitas seperti peralatan praktek, workshop, dan laboratorium hanya dapat dilakukan antar sesama anggota yang lokasinya berdekatan, sedangkan untuk sharing knowledge dan kepakaran masih relatif jarang dilakukan.

Acara sharing semacam ini masih terbatas pada acara rutin pertemuan dalam bentuk konvensi dua tahunan anggota APTEKINDO sehingga bisa dikatakan sharing resources pada jaringan APTEKINDO belum berfungsi maksimal, mengingat:

  1. Acara konvensi rutin dua tahunan tersebut umumnya tidak dapat dihadiri oleh seluruh dosen (peneliti) dari seluruh perguruan tinggi anggota karena keterbatasan waktu serta anggaran. Oleh karena itu, dosen yang tidak hadir dalam pertemuan tersebut sering kali tidak mengetahui hal-hal yang dibahas pada pertemuan tersebut.
  2. Pembicaraan yang disampaikan dalam acara tersebut seringkali hanya seputar kebijakan dan manajemen organisasi, sedangkan presentasi kepakaran masih sangat minim.
  3. Dokumentasi database hasil tiap-tiap pertemuan masih dilakukan secara manual, yaitu berbentuk CD, prosiding, maupun tersimpan dalam hardisk panitia penyelenggara.

Kondisi ini mencerminkan bahwa kondisi manajemen knowledge dalam APTEKINDO belum terkonsep dengan baik sehingga belum saling memberikan manfaat positif antar sesama anggotanya. Dengan manajemen yang baik, banyak manfaat yang bisa dipetik misalnya mengenai manajemen pembelajaran, kurikulum, kepakaran bidang tertentu, pengembangan karir, dan sebagainya.

Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut harus dibudayakan kebiasaan menulis dan mem-publish tulisan. Selain itu diperlukan juga sistem manajemen knowledge
yang secara nasional tidak hanya dapat diakses oleh seluruh anggota APTEKINDO, namun juga menuntut para anggotanya untuk mem-publish ide, gagasan, atau hasil penelitiannya. Selain itu, wadah untuk menanggapi (diskusi) topik yang telah diposting oleh member juga harus tersedia. Sistem manajemen knowledge organisasi semacam ini dikenal dengan istilah OKMS (Organisation Knowledge Management System).

Pada dasarnya proses manajemen knowledge meliputi 4 fungsi pokok, yaitu using knowledge (penggunaan knowledge) , finding knowledge (penemuan knowledge), creating knowledge (pembuatan knowledge) serta packaging knowledge (pengemasan knowledge).

DIKTI sebagai induk seluruh perguruan tinggi di Indonesia telah melaksanakan program INHERENT yang tujuannya adalah memfasilitasi terjadinya resource sharing antar perguruan tinggi di Indonesia dengan menyediakan jaringan dengan kapasitas yang memadai (155 Mbps). Oleh karena itu, jaringan yang telah dibangun atas program INHERENT ini akan semakin berarti jika dipergunakan untuk melaksanakan program knowledge management secara lebih terkonsep.

Gagasan pembangunan knowledge infrastructure berbasis knowledge management di Indonesia yang pertama kali dipromotori oleh KMRG ITB (Knowledge Management Research Group) yang diketuai oleh Ismail Fahmi . Infrastruktur dibangun berbasis web dengan tujuan supaya terjadi tolong-menolong (sharing) antar sesama insitutusi pendidikan di Indonesia dalam usaha mencerdaskan bangsa.

1. Pembudayaan Knowledge Sharing

Knowledge management syatem diharapkan mampu membuat berbagai informasi (shared information) menjadi lebih baik. Knowledge management termasuk strategi dari tanggung jawab dan tindak lanjut (commitment), baik untuk meningkatkan efektifitas organisasi maupun untuk meningkatkan peluang/kesempatan.

Tujuan dari knowledge management adalah meningkatkan kemampuan organisasi untuk melaksanakan proses inti lebih efisien. Supaya knowledge management system berhasil dilaksanakan pada APTEKINDO maka hal-hal berikut ini harus dibudayakan pada anggotanya, baik secara individu maupun insitusi:

  1. menciptakan knowledge: knowledge diciptakan begitu seseorang menentukan cara baru untuk melakukan sesuatu atau menciptakan know-how. Kadang-kadang knowledge eksternal dibawa ke dalam organisasi/institusi,
  2. menangkap knowledge: knowledge baru diidentifikasikan sebagai bernilai dan direpresentasikan dalam suatu cara yang masuk akal,
  3. menjaring knowledge: knowledge baru harus ditempatkan dalam konteks agar dapat ditindaklanjuti. Hal ini menunjukkan kedalaman manusia (kualitas tacit) yang harus ditangkap bersamaan dengan fakta explicit,
  4. menyimpan knowledge: knowledge yang bermanfaat harus disimpan dalam format yang baik dalam penyimpanan knowledge, sehingga semua anggota dalam organisasi dapat mengaksesnya,
  5. mengolah knowledge: seperti perpustakaan, knowledge harus dibuat up-to-date. Hal tersebut harus di-review untuk menjelaskan apakah relevan atau akurat,
  6. menyebarluaskan knowledge: knowledge harus tersedia dalam format yang bermanfaatuntuk semua orang dalam organisasi yang memerlukan, dimanapun dan tersedia setiap saat.

Dalam organisasi APTEKINDO aspek yang perlu untuk di-manage sebagai knowledge yang perlu di-share di antaranya kemampuan, jadual kegiatan (rapat, ceramah, diskusi, seminar dsb), output yang dihasilkan misalnya pedoman, laporan, prosedur, klasifikasi dan lain sebagainya. Hal-hal tersebut menjadi objek knowledge yang bermanfaat bagi seluruh anggota APTEKINDO jika dikelola dengan baik, dieksplisitkan, dan bisa diakses oleh seluruh anggota.

Catatan penting yang juga sangat mempengaruhi berhasil tidaknya knowledge management pada APTEKINDO adalah:

  1. Penerapannya tidak hanya menghasilkan knowledge baru, tetapi juga mendaur ulang knowledge yang sudah ada. Oleh karena itu knowledge yang dipmiliki sejak lama harus digali kembali dan di-eksplisitkan.
  2. Teknologi informasi memang merupakan sarana yang paling mudah dalam menjembatani terjadinya jejaring sistem knowledge management akan tetapi harus disadari pula belum sepenuhnya bisa menggantikan fungsi-fungsi jaringan sosial antar anggota organisasi. Oleh karena itu, tatap muka juga masih tetap diperlukan.
  3. Sebagian besar organisasi tidak pernah tahu apa yang sesungguhnya mereka ketahui, banyak knowledge penting yang harus ditemukan lewat upaya-upaya khusus, padahal knowledge itu sudah dimiliki organisasi tersebut sejak lama.

2. Usulan Konsep APTEKINDO Knowledge Management

Di organisasi-organisasi modern saat ini, pandangan tentang manajemen perubahan bersinggungan dengan cara mereka memberlakukan knowledge sebagai modal intelektual. Manajemen perubahan mencakup prinsip, alat analisis, ICT, teori perubahan strategis, peningkatan fungsi individu, sistem, struktur dan proses kerja yang di dahului dengan desain organisasi, perbaikan kinerja pegawai, hubungan antar bidang/bagian/kelompok dalam suatu organisasi. Hal ini juga berlaku bagi APTEKINDO.

Elemen Penyusun APTEKINDO Knowledge Management SystemGambar 3 menunjukkan usulan gambaran umum konsep APTEKINDO knowledge management system. Sistem terbangun atas 4 pilar utama, yaitu teknologi, aktifitas, interface, dan berbagai komponen. Aktifitas yang diperlukan dalam sistem ini di antaranya web browing, computer based collaboration, searching dan data mining. Semua aktifitas itu bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan web browser. Interface yang bisa dipergunakan untuk menjembatani terjadinya kolaborasi informasi ini selain web browser juga mailling list, forum diskusi, bahkan jika diperlukan aplikasi C/S (customer service). Adapun komponen yang ada dalam sistem untuk mensuplai terjadinya berbagai kegiatan tersebut meliputi database, web platform, data management tools, perangkat pengirim pesan, search engine, web service, document management serta interference engine.

Teknology yang dibutuhkan untuk menyokong layanan tersebut di antaranya adalah RDBMS (Relational Database Management System), aplikasi client-server, web service serta artificial inelegance (AI). Dengan latar belakang anggota yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia maka hal yang paling memungkinkan APTEKINDO knowledge management system tersebut adalah web based knowledge management portal, yaitu situs portal komunitas yang beranggotakan seluruh individu-individu dari insitusi anggota APTEKINDO yang bertujuan untuk saling sharing pengetahuan. Bentuk ini relatif sangat mudah untuk diwujudkan sedangkan manfaatnya juga sangat besar. Konsep semacam ini sudah dilaksanakan dengan sangat baik bahkan dipromotori secara mandiri oleh perorangan. Contoh yang sangat nyata adalah dan Kedua situs tersebut dibangun untuk tujuan sharing ilmu, hanya saja dalam hal ini, dilakukan oleh volunteer-volunteer yang berasal dari pribadi maupun berbagai kalangan yang dengan kesadaran men-share pikirannya untuk dipelajari orang.

Berkembangnya opensource web platform yang sangat melimpah merupakan
potensi yang sangat besar untuk implementasi sistem tersebut. Tentu saja hal ini masih memerlukan pencermatan yang lebih mendalam sehingga bisa dipilih web-platform yang memadai untuk melaksanakan fungsi ini. Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam memilih opensource web platform tersebut di antaranya:

  1. Semaksimal mungkin bisa menjalankan berbagai fungsi seperti yang telah diuraikan di atas, diantaranya fungsi manajemen data, manajemen dokumen, searching, massaging, dan sebagainya.
  2. Banyak disuplai oleh berbagai plugin oleh komunitas terbuka sehingga memungkinkan penyempurnaan fasilitas jika diperlukan.
  3. Mudah diimplementasikan dengan interface yang user friendly.
  4. Multi-user sehingga memungkinkan penggunaan bersama-sama oleh seluruh anggota. Namun demikian juga harus ada feature untuk manajemen hak akses oleh anggota.

Beberapa keuntungan dengan dimilikinya knowledge portal bagi APTEKINDO
adalah adanya gambaran yang konsisten mengenai organisasi APTEKINDO, kemampuan mengelola dan mencari informasi, akses langsung ke informasi dan sumber daya organisasi, hubungan langsung ke laporan-laporan, dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan, hubungan langsung ke data yang dibutuhkan dan keahlian seseorang, serta identitas individu dan akses ke isi/subyek (content) yang dapat dipersonalisasi.

Setiarso menjelaskan bahwa merebaknya fenomena knowledge management dapat dilihat sebagai keinginan mengembalikan hakikat “knowledg ” dan menghindari pandangan bahwa knowledge adalah benda mati. Di dalam kehidupan berorganisasi, baik untuk bisnis maupun non-bisnis, maka knowledge selalu dikaitkan dengan potensi nilai yang ada pada berbagai komponen atau proses (aliran) keseluruhan “modal” dalam organisasi tersebut. “Modal” disini tentu saja bukan hanya soal investasi dan uang, tetapi juga “modal sosial” (social capital). Para proponen konwledge management selalu menegaskan bahwa sebuah organisasi seharusnya tidak berhenti pada “memiliki knowledge” dalam arti menimbun tumpukan dokumen yang dilengkapi dengan alat temu-kembali. Persoalan terpenting yang dihadapi organisasi-organisasi modern saat ini adalah: bagaimana mengintegrasikan timbunan knowledge eksplisit itu ke dalam keseluruhan kemampuan dan kegiatan organisasi.

Di dalam aktivitas setiap organisasi, maka tidak dapat dihindari bahwa knowledge yang diperlukan adalah knowledge yang tertanam di dalam diri masing-masing pribadi dan juga tercakup dalam kerjasama antar pribadi. Semua ini bukan hanya knowledge eksplisit, tapi juga tacit knowledge, terlebih lagi knowledge ini menjadi dinamis sejalan dengan perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi di dunia eksternal maupun internal dari sebuah organisasi. Sehingga hal ini merupakan fungsi manajemen knowledge, yaitu bagaimana mengelola dinamika penggunaan knowledge tacit yang terintegrasi dengan knowledge eksplisit.

3.  Simpulan

  1. Dengan APTEKINDO knowledge management system, inovasi dan perkembangan insitusi menjadi lebih cepat karena dengan pola siklus knowledge management tersebut semua pengetahuan terarsip dengan baik dan dapat diakses dengan mudah oleh seluruh anggota. Namun demikian diperlukan kemauan masing-masing individu dalam insitusi anggota APTEKINDO untuk mengeksplisitkan semua tacit knowledge yang dimiliki sehingga bisa disebarluaskan kepada anggota lain. Sikap yang harus dibudayakan untuk pembentukan sistem ini diantaranya menciptakan, menangkap, menjaring, menyimpan, mengolah, dan menyebarluaskan knowledge masing-masing.
  2. APTEKINDO Knowledge Management System terdiri dari aspek aktifitas, teknologi pendukung, interface dan berbagai komponen pendukung lainnya. Namun demikian perkembang opensource web platform saat ini memungkinkan implementasi knowledge management portal dalam bentuk yang lebih sederhana akan tetapi sudah cukup menjembatani terjadinya sharing culture di organisasi termasuk APTEKINDO.

source :…/implementasi-knowledgemanagement.pdf

Hal yang dapat di pelajari dari kasus APTEKINDO diatas adalah Bahwa knowledge management di APTEKINDO ini belum berjalan dengan baik sebagaimana mestinya karena APTEKINDO ini tidak pernah membudidayakan budaya sharing dari dosen ke anggota . untuk  dapat menciptakan  Management yang baik , maka APTEKINDO menciptkan suatu fitur atau aplikasi OKMS untuk dapat menampung ide – ide inovatif atau sharing informasi dari anggota APTEKINDO yang mampu menghasilkan manfaat positif antar sesama anggota APTEKINDO mengenai pembelajaran kurikulum dan pengembangan karier.   selain itu , inovasi dan perkembangan insitusi menjadi lebih cepat karena dengan pola siklus knowledge management tersebut semua pengetahuan terarsip dengan baik dan dapat diakses dengan mudah oleh seluruh anggota. Namun demikian diperlukan kemauan masing-masing individu dalam insitusi anggota APTEKINDO untuk mengeksplisitkan semua tacit knowledge yang dimiliki sehingga bisa disebarluaskan kepada anggota lain.

Written by erich fernando usman in: 5 Case KM | Tags:

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